Rethinking Marketing Is Essential in Today's Customer-Centric World

POSTED BY Greg Keating

Consumers are now empowered to either help or completely destroy your marketing efforts. You need to view your current customers as partners in all of your efforts.


As my friend Brian Solis says, “This is a time to question everything.”

Let’s start with marketing, because it’s overdue for a revolution.

Today’s customers are in the driver’s seat – it’s a buyer’s market and the buyers are better informed than ever. Prior to making a purchase today, customers research and compare products assiduously while tapping into both the opinions of people they know directly and reviews from online communities they trust. In fact, by the time a customer engages with an organization, they may well already be 70 percent of the way along a traditional sales cycle.

The challenge for all marketers is to re-imagine how and when to engage with this new breed of customer. When it comes to the channel or channels of engagement, the customer now calls the shots, so we need to ensure that we can deliver brand and message co...

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