E-Commerce Is So Big in China, Some Brands Skip Opening a Store

POSTED BY Greg Keating

China is quickly changing to a e-commerce giant. Companies within china as well as outside companies are changing the entire structure of a retail space, and allowing them to see a more clear picture of what their customers are searching for and where the demand is.


E-commerce in China has gotten so huge that even big brands have to consider whether doing market entry with actual brick-and-mortar stores is worthwhile.

When British fashion retailer Topshop debuted in China, guests at the Beijing launch event tried on outfits and posed for selfies with red London buses or telephone booths as a backdrop. But the venue wasn't a shop, and there were no checkout counters. To order, people scanned QR codes with their smartphones, turning an offline event into mobile commerce.

Read more from the source: adage.com

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