The Rise Of The 'Chief Marketing Technologist'

POSTED BY Greg Keating

Until recently the roles of CMO and CTO have been separated by very different and defined skill sets; however those two worlds are converging and overshadowing one another.

Marketing technology graph

As marketing and technology converge, so too do the people pulling the strings -- or in the case of ad technology, the people typing the code. The "traditional" roles of CMO (chief marketing officer) and CTO (chief technology officer) are blending into a hybrid role, giving birth to a new chief of ad tech: the Chief Marketing Technologist.

The rising role comes from a new UK-based research report from demand-side platform (DSP) DataXu. The DSP surveyed 250 "marketing decision makers in the UK" in March 2015 for the report, and also conducted 10 phone interviews with senior marketers from a variety of industries.

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