7 CPG Social Media Marketing Tips for Twitter

POSTED BY Greg Keating

CPG social media marketing provides an unparalleled opportunity to directly communicate with and engage with a precisely targeted audience, so it is terrific for building strong relationships with consumers and building your brand. 

twitter on phone in pocket

Twitter goes everywhere with millions of users every day. 

Twitter is considered one of the best platforms for marketing because hundreds of millions of people use it every day, and around 257 million of them use Twitter on mobile devices. That means brands have the opportunity to reach consumers essentially around the clock. 

Another reason Twitter is such an outstanding platform for CPG social media marketing is that 74 percent of people who use Twitter to follow small and medium-sized businesses do so to get product updates, and nearly one-quarter of the huge Millennial population follows at least one brand on Twitter. Nearly half of brand followers are more likely to visit that brand’s website. In other words, Twitter is a great way to draw consumers closer to your CPG brand as well as to individual products. Here are seven simple, straightforward CPG social media marketing tips for Twitter.

1. Optimize Your Twitter Bio

Your Twitter business bio is a primary opportunity to ensure that your company identity is well-branded on the platform. It should tell people who you are, what you do, and should indicate the general “tone” of your brand and your Tweets. It should also include a link to your landing page or your company website. Your bio is your first step in establishing a consistent tone so people will know what they are getting when they follow your brand.

2. Commit to Tweeting Regularly

Businesses to whom Twitter is an afterthought are the ones that will not reap the benefits of CPG social media marketing. When you Tweet regularly, you indicate that your brand is alive, well, and active. Ideally, you should Tweet daily so that your followers have a steady drumbeat of useful information and so you maximize the chances of picking up new followers. An abandoned Twitter profile is a sure way to make people wonder what is wrong with your brand.

3. Engage: Track and Respond to Mentions

When your brand is mentioned on Twitter, respond if appropriate. Twitter monitoring tools like Hootsuite and Tweetdeck make tracking mentions easy, and you can also search for terms relevant to your brand. Suppose you sell paint in California. Set up a search on, say, “paint San Diego.” You will see when someone Tweets about their difficulty painting a piece of furniture, and you can jump in and provide relevant information, like a specialty brush that would work well. 

4. Understand Hashtags

hashtag strategy

Understanding hashtags is a fundamental skill to marketing on Twitter.

Hashtags are a way of categorizing content on social media, and therefore understanding them is fundamental to CPG social media marketing. Hashtags make your Tweets discoverable and make it easy for you to find relevant content as well. Engaging with other Twitter users based on a common interest is wonderfully facilitated with hashtags. If you are not sure what to do, start on Twitter’s own “How to choose a hashtag” page. 

5. Use Images and Videos

Many celebrity and personal Twitter stars are highly skilled at text-only one-liners that take Twitter by storm. However, for most individuals and brands, getting attention is more likely if you include photos, other graphics, and videos in your Twitter content. Eighty-two percent of Twitter users watch video content on the platform and an amazing 90 percent of Twitter video views happen on mobile devices. Twitter is a terrific driver of video discovery. 

6. Consider Going to Twitter Flight School

Twitter offers “Flight School,” which is an online learning experience that can help you craft a sound strategy for using Twitter as part of your CPG social media marketing strategy. It includes a downloadable resource library, badges you can display, and lessons that can be completed in as little as 10 minutes. They are all mobile-friendly too, so you can complete a Twitter Flight School lesson easily during unexpected down-time, for example. 

7. Think of Twitter as Your Home or Place of Business

What makes people want to hang out at your home or place of business? It should be inviting, uncluttered, organized, and fun. Your Twitter account should be all of these things too. Twitter allows you to pin a Tweet to the top of your profile, and you should do so. This pinned Tweet, along with your bio, shows followers some of what you are about and is more likely to grab the attention of new and potential followers. 

Sure, it does not take long to Tweet 140 characters, but that does not mean Twitter should be an afterthought. CPG social media marketing requires commitment and persistence, but the benefits are well-documented. 

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