CPG Trends: Reaching Mobile Consumers

POSTED BY Greg Keating

mobile.pngIt’s no secret that the world has gone mobile. Everywhere you look, people are browsing, tweeting, downloading and texting on their smartphone devices. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact point in time, but sometime in the last two years as the number of mobile phone users continued to rise rapidly, mobile phones actually became the most popular way to browse the internet (socialmediatoday.com). In fact, 80% of all people who use the internet own a smartphone. That’s an overwhelming majority. It’s no wonder that so many websites now come in “mobile-friendly” formats to accommodate traffic from mobile devices. This shift to mobile technology certainly changes the way brands think about marketing themselves, and it is the beginning of a new era for consumer packaged goods.

An undeniable trend

Brands that produce consumer packaged goods need to find a way to connect with mobile customers, not just to increase their sales but to reach what is now the largest audience. Research shows that between 2013 and 2014 there was a 49% increase in the number of consumers who tried a new CPG product after seeing a mobile ad related to it (ninthdecimal.com). This drastic increase in an important CPG trend for mobile users has only continued since 2014.

How to connect with the mobile crowd

If so many consumers make purchases based on their findings through mobile browsing, then how can your CPG brand reach these consumers and convert ads into sales? Well, it starts with an interface that is truly mobile-friendly. Whether that means a site for your brand that is easy to navigate from a smartphone, or ads on other sites or apps that capture people’s attention without becoming a nuisance.

Rather than take the time to explore a site that wasn’t built with smartphone users in mind, most mobile consumers will just go back to their search and find something else that is more user friendly. To prevent this from happening, have concise, readable content with complementary visual representations like images or drawings. You could even include a short promotional video for your product. Remember, if someone was going to read a long and detailed article they would probably sit down in front of a computer. If they are browsing for a product, they want the facts quickly. Don’t put anything in their way, or you will lose them. As the old saying goes, “Keep it short and sweet”.

In-app advertising

Secondly, it is important to consider where you are placing your ads. Many brands advertise through popular apps that are used most commonly by their targeted demographic. These banner advertisements can catch the eye of app users, and they should always provide a clickable link where people can learn more. An additional benefit to a clickable ad is that you can gather data on the success of your advertisement and find out whether or not it really is drawing people in.

To target the right mobile consumers, brands should advertise through apps that their desired audience will actually use. For example, if your brand represents cosmetic products, then you shouldn’t advertise it on the ESPN app. The users of that app are not likely to be the people that would be interested in buying your CPG products. It all really comes down to doing in-depth research so that you can make a strong ad and then figure out exactly where it needs to be.

Go mobile or else!

Because mobile consumers clearly represent a very significant CPG trend, your brand can’t afford to ignore mobile marketing. Use your demographic research and a user-friendly interface to connect with mobile consumers and ensure that your brand stays relevant. Smartphones aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so mobile marketing is well worth the investment! 

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