How Can Your CPG Brand Direct Visitors from Social Media Paid Ads?

POSTED BY Greg Keating ON Dec 16, 2020 1:50:48 PM

Take action.

The first step toward designing an effective CPG marketing campaign on social media is determining what you want consumers of your ad content to do after they see it. That’s where the call to action (CTA) comes into play.

The whole point of a CTA in a paid social media ad is the action itself. When people read your paid ads on social media, does the CTA entice them to convert to customers? What are the best strategies to use for CTAs in a paid ad to get people to take action? 

CPG Marketing on Social and the CTA

Any paid CPG branding or marketing campaign on social must start with the CTA. Figuring out the CTA and then measuring performance toward that goal is a crucial strategy for any social media campaign. The question is: What do you want your target audience to do after they see your paid ad? A CTA could entice the consumer to:

  • Buy a product
  • Watch a video
  • Request a quote
  • Sign a petition
  • Join a mailing list
  • Register for a freebie
  • Enter a contest
  • And more

A CTA must be singularly-focused and easy to complete. Too many hoops will kill the action you’re calling for. Your ad should be constructed in a way that tells viewers why they should click the button at the bottom of the ad. There are two parts to the CTA to consider:

  • Telling someone what they should do
  • Motivating them to do it

To begin this CPG marketing effort, reverse engineer the ad starting with the CTA. What is the conversion after they click the ad button? Will they go to a landing page? Whatever action they’re taking, make sure you create a concise CTA with strong action words:

  • Download the guide
  • Click to shop
  • Get your free (product)
  • Sign up for more tips
  • Start your (free) trial
  • Schedule an appointment


Power phrases and words will help you evoke emotion: 

  • “instantly” 
  • “hurry” 
  • “avoid these mistakes”
  • “before it’s too late” 

They will also invoke curiosity:

  • “Find out why”
  • “Proves”
  • “Shows you how”

The ad copy should show readers a clear benefit from taking the action. Why would they want to “find out why?” What’s in it for them? However, make sure the CTA follows your unique CPG branding guidelines and is in the unique tone of the product you’re pitching. 

Conversational tone works well on social, but does that work well on your audience? Try to avoid making the CTA like a sales pitch. Although that may work in your ad copy, it doesn’t work in a CTA.

Social media paid ads can be highly effective tools to drive conversions. But if you muddy the ad with the wrong CTA, you simply won’t hit the numbers for your CPG marketing campaign.

Hangar12 is at the forefront of CPG marketing strategy and more. Subscribe to our blog to stay up-to-date with our latest insights.

Ready for more tips on CPG social paid ad campaigns? Fill out the form below to download the Guide to Calculating the ROI for CPG Paid Ads.

Download our Guide to Calculating the ROI for CPG Paid Ads.

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