How CPG Brands Need to Think About Display Design

POSTED BY Greg Keating

Screenshot_2016-07-12_09.58.32.pngIn these difficult economic times, many shoppers are looking to save money, and it often starts by cutting back on the weekly shopping trips. But when exactly is it that the consumer determines which products they will purchase? Maybe they sit down and make a list, or peruse online?

The truth is that over three quarters of shoppers make their purchasing decisions while inside of the store. The final decision is made right then and there – at the point of purchase. This illustrates just how important it is for brands to plan their customers’ in-store experiences to maximize their impact on the decision making process. Market research firms even utilize eye-tracking technology to analyze shoppers while they browse.

Modern shoppers are making in-store decisions more than any other generation before them. They have the ability to make practical, well-informed choices on the spot about what they buy. It is even possible to instantly look up reviews about a product while standing in front of it at the grocery store. With that being said, recent studies have shown that consumers are still using in-store marketing and branding cues to make an overwhelming portion of their purchase decisions.

The Importance of Product Displays

In short: If you’re not properly and effectively displaying your brand in the store then your product is far less likely to end up in the shopping cart. This challenge is made even more difficult because of the sheer numbers of competitors in today’s market. From organic to premium labels, consumers today have more choices than ever before. Without proper in-store marketing there is very little chance that you will be chosen from the countless varieties available.

So, for those of us who aren’t already experts when it comes to CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) retail marketing, here is a list of ways that you can maximize your in-store display space:

  1. Choose a display that balances your need for marketing impact with your desire to save money on shipping, and storage costs.
  2. Put fewer words on your display graphics, but make each word bigger. A single, clearly stated benefits statement is better than long list of bulleted points that gets ignored.
  3. Give yourself enough time to get new displays designed, and include the time to get agreement within your management team on marketing direction.
  4. Focus on displaying your most popular or new products, rather than trying to cram all your products into a limited space.
  5. Ensure your display clearly says who you are, what you do, and why someone should buy from you instead of the competition.
  6. Be true to your brand and create greater recognition by integrating your display design with your other marketing mediums, such as web, brochures, print ads, and direct mail.
  7. Create visual impact with a display that has bright, bold colors (as brand appropriate), big images that matter to your audiences, easy to read text, and ties into the retail environment
  8. Design your display space so it best fits your specific marketing objectives - temporary or permanent, endcap or floor stand, impulse near register or large seasonal lobby display, etc.

Final Thoughts


In a recent article for CPG Matters, Jack Grant outlined how some brands are failing to take advantage of the huge opportunities that exist with display marketing. “Retailers are not fully maximizing the multitude of opportunities that exist to enhance the in-store experience,” writes Grant. “Whether it’s using easy-to-find product displays in secondary locations or working with brand marketers to develop customized in-store display materials to reflect the unique retail environments, retailers have plenty of opportunity to turn their in-store marketing up a notch.”

Successful display design not only sets apart in-store marketing, but it can turn the uninterested shopper into an excited buyer. One thing is certain: When presented with a compelling and visual display, consumers become engaged and aware of the value proposition being offered.

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