You can't beat email marketing for ROI and effectiveness, but your ability to benefit from this type of marketing rests in one thing: the email list. To build the massive email list and gain the subscribers your CPG brand needs to increase brand awareness and sales, look to the following tactics.
1. Offer Gated Content.
One great way to build your email list is to offer gated content, which is content that is only available to those who sign up for your email list. Gated content is only available for signing up to your email list, so people who are interested in your content will give you their email address to get it. Gated content is one of the best incentives for readers to sign up for your emails, but it must be good content or at least a good sales pitch if it's going to work.
2. Use Pop-up Ads (Judiciously).
Nobody likes pop-up ads, those annoying boxes that pop up over the top of the content you actually want to see. But they do work in enough cases that they are worth using, particularly for email sign-ups and even more particularly if people get something for signing up, like a discount on your CPG products. Just make sure you follow Google's rules for pop-up ads so that Google doesn't hide your pages, and you will be good to go.
3. Incorporate Gamification.
Gamification involves making aspects of your site into a game to encourage participation. This can include quizzes, surveys, scratch-offs, and spin-to-win contests. Some of these will appear as pop-ups. People naturally like to play games and take surveys, so offering them a chance to play in exchange for an email sign-up is a great way to encourage email sign-ups.

4. Offer a discount.
Many sites offer customers a discount - say 20% off - if they sign up for the site's email list. This incentive can both encourage email sign-ups and increase sales since people will purchase more when they feel they are saving money or getting a better deal. Just be sure that your prices can absorb the discount without losing money.
5. Have a landing page.
Most websites now have landing pages, which target information site owners want visitors to get up front, even if they don't go into the main page. Having an email sign-up on your site's landing page can help boost your list by putting it front and center, where the most people will see it.
6. Use a squeeze page.
Some landing pages are known as "squeeze" pages because they are specially designed to encourage email signups by requiring a sign-up in order to see the information clicked on. While squeeze pages can be a turn-off for some, who refuse to sign up and instead leave the site, it will lead to a number of sign-ups for people who really want to see what's behind the wall.
Hangar12 can help your CPG brand with email marketing and get you the sales you need to remain profitable in these challenging times. To learn more about leveraging email marketing, fill out the form below to download our free "Roadmap for Creating an Effective CPG Marketing Email Campaign" now.
Download our Roadmap for Creating an Effective CPG Marketing Email Campaign here.
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