How Your CPG Brand Can Use Email Marketing to Drive Awareness & Sales

POSTED BY Greg Keating

Sending an email campaign using a laptop computer.

Email marketing has been around for more than 20 years, but it remains one of the most effective ways to drive sales. Marketers can't resist using email for marketing because it is easy, affordable, and can be customized to fit any brand's needs.

Here are some of the statistics that show the continued effectiveness and relevance of email marketing for CPG brands. 

  • 91% of all consumers use email in a professional or personal context, according to Hubspot.
  • Two-thirds of customers have made a purchase based on an email, the Direct Marketing Association said. 
  • According to McKinsey research, email has been shown to be almost 40 times more effective at helping companies acquire new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined.
  • The average return on each dollar spent on email marketing is around $38, Email Monday found.  

When email is used to its best effectiveness, it can do some or all of the following:

  • Build trust and loyalty with customers
  • Increase the ROI for CPG marketing campaigns
  • Increase brand awareness and name recognition
  • Increase market share of a brand
  • Minimize unsubscribes

Using Email as Part of a CPG Marketing Strategy

If your marketing goals include engaging with customers more deeply, growing your customer base and reach, and increasing brand awareness, email marketing is the right vehicle to use to reach those goals. Your particular strategy will depend on the results you want to see and the priority each one holds. 

To engage with customers on a deep level, your content should offer useful and interesting information, with a short call to action at the end. 

On the other hand, increasing brand awareness may call for information about your products and even the company itself, its development, and the ways in which it is making a mark on its community and the world. 

To grow your customer base and reach, you will want to put effort into getting new signups and offering discounts or advertising sales on your products. 

Looking at an email inbox on a desktop computer.

Segmented Email Lists Allow Targeted Marketing

One of the great things about email is that you can use segmented lists and target customers and potential customers at each stage of the marketing funnel. With the right tools, you can send one email to brand new prospects, another to those familiar with your products but not yet a customer, and a different email to customers who you want to purchase again. 

In fact, you can hit multiple goals simultaneously by targeting your emails according to the specifics on your list. The versatility of email exceeds that of social media, website ads, or other forms of digital marketing, which generally send the same messaging to everyone.

Whatever your goals, email marketing can help you to meet them and should be an essential part of your overall CPG marketing strategy. 

Does your CGP brand want to learn more about email marketing? Fill out the form below to download our free "Roadmap for Creating an Effective CPG Marketing Email Campaign." 

Download our Roadmap for Creating an Effective CPG Marketing Email Campaign here.

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