Using Facebook Brand Lift to Create Brand Awareness

POSTED BY Greg Keating

Using Facebook Brand

It’s hard to measure brand awareness with today’s multi-channel consumers, although it’s a goal for almost every company. That’s why Facebook has created a new feature for businesses that is designed to help build and measure brand awareness and inform your brand awareness strategy. What is Facebook Brand Lift, and how does it measure brand awareness with your target audience?

Measure Awareness Through A Facebook Brand Lift Study

Facebook remains one of the most popular social media platforms of all time, which is why an increasing number of CPG branding efforts center on the site. But measuring brand awareness is always challenging, which is why Facebook is using its polling function to help CPG branding teams measure brand lift (or awareness) with its target audiences. 

How do you use this polling as your own Facebook brand lift study? The Facebook polling feature runs on two types of people; those who viewed your original Facebook native ads and those who didn’t. The process works by:

  • Selecting the advertising campaign that you want to run the brand lift study against.
  • Splitting your audience into a test group (who will see your ad) and a control group (who won’t).
  • Showing the polling to the two groups.
  • Measuring the actions of the people in the two groups. This could be things like converting or participating in a survey.
  • Comparing the test group to the control group to determine how much your specific advertising campaign contributed to brand lift.

Tailoring Your Facebook Brand List Polling Questions

The polling question can be tailored for:

  • Standard brand awareness: Have you heard of (your CPG brand)?
  • Familiarity: How familiar are you with (your brand)?
  • Recommendation: Would you recommend (your brand) to a friend?
  • Action/intent: How likely are you to purchase (that brand) again?

Choosing the right question is crucial; try to aim for the specific place in the sales journey where you think your target audience resides.

 benefits of Facebook Brand Lift

How Can Facebook Brand Lift Benefit Your CPG Branding? 

The benefits of Facebook Brand Lift for CPG branding include:

  • This new tool can help you measure the effectiveness of your brand campaigns. It’s kind of like A/B testing for Facebook.
  • Help your company understand how to build brand awareness. Define the benchmarks for future brand campaigns, using what you’ve learned.
  • Obtaining information that can compare against ongoing or any previous campaigns. 

Testing and Learning About Facebook Brand Lift

This sounds like an extremely effective tool for to discover how to increase brand awareness amongst your target audience. However, before you run a Facebook Brand Lift study, here are a few tips:

  • You can set up a Facebook Brand Lift study directly in Ads Manager in the Test and Learn section. There are some limitations, though. The poll questions are only in English. There are also some eligibility criteria you should check out before proceeding, such as:
    • The target group should be 18+
    • The timeframe is two weeks to no more than 90 days for any ad campaign.
    • The campaign shouldn’t undergo any other measurements like Conversion lift, during this timeframe.
  • Make sure you don’t target the same audiences with any other Facebook campaigns for at least a month to ensure clean data.
  • Define your business goals before undertaking the Facebook Brand Lift study.

FAQs: Facebook Brand Lift Study Questions 

What is a brand lift on Facebook?

Brand lift is a lift test in which brand polling and awareness measurements help your business understand how well your Meta ads perform independently of other advertising. This test chooses a sample of people and divides them into test and holdout groups, checking the impact of your advertising. 

What is an example of brand lift on Facebook?

A large grocery store chain wants to understand the impact of their new Meta advertisement. They choose questions to target information such as” 

  • Did people see the ad? 
  • Do they remember your brand? 
  • Are they now better aligned with your brand message? 
  • What is your brand connected to in their minds? 

This provides the company with essential information about how their advertising campaigns are reaching consumers and giving them a favorable impression of your brand. 

How do I run a brand lift survey on Facebook?

To run a brand lift survey, go to Experiments, the click Test, Brand Survey, and Get Started. Choose what ads you would like to target. Select a region to target and an industry so that you can compare your results with others. Complete logistical details such as your test name and dates, then choose three questions for your survey.

What is the minimum budget for brand lift study on Facebook?

The minimum budget varies by country. In the USA, it is $30,000. 

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