The Most Influential Brands on Social Media

POSTED BY Greg Keating

Having a well-recognized brand no longer translates to immediate success on social media. Klout released its top 50 brands on social media based on sharing top tier digital content and consistently engaging their audience. While Amazon tops the list, companies with massive followings, like Apple, didn't even make the top ten.

The klout 50


A ranking of the top 50 global brands with the most social influence and engagement — called the Klout 50.

List was compiled by analyzing the Interbrand 2014 Best Global Brand report and translating their social influence on the Klout scale. According to the data, these brands set the standard for sharing top tier digital content and consistently engaging their audience.

The number one brand on Klout 50 is Amazon followed by Microsoft and MTV.

Read more from the source: The Official Klout Blog

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